I have always been tired. My whole life I am tired. I have complained to doctors. They never did anything to help me. I blamed it on Thalasemia Minor, a chronic anemia I inherited from my Italian heritage. Maybe that is part of it. But I recently realized that I have a mild to moderate sleep apnea.
I found a dentist that makes mouth appliances for sleep apnea and for TMJ. I have both. So two weeks ago I got my appliance and I immediately began sleeping better. I am feeling better all ready. Today at the check up visit the dentist told me that the real energy comes back in three to four months. I am so excited!!!
I am looking forward to finally having energy.
About a year ago, when I was complaining to a friend about my lack of energy, she suggested I pray and Heavenly Father would give me help to improve my situation. I mulled over the idea and thought about it and prayed (a little) about it. I am so glad that Heavenly Father answered my feeble prayer! (My prayer needed more energy!)
The TMJ takes about four months to improve. It actually gets worse temporarily. I am looking forward to THAT improving, too!
BYU's Incredible Record Linking Lab
2 weeks ago
i misspelled already.
I am chronically exhausted, too . . . but I think my reasons for being tired are external (and rather cute). :) I do know how you feel, and I am happy to think that one's energy can come back . . . someday! What will you do with all your extra energy?
I totally understand what you're saying. What wears me down is chronic pain from my hip. I keep making adjustments up as far as coping with the pain, but everything went over the edge at Thanksgiving and I realized it's beating me down and keeping me from even being able to enjoy my family. I grit my teeth against the pain, so I probably have TMJ too! Anyway, I plan on taking some action after classes are over--this weekend!! Everybody say "Yea!!!".
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