Monday, April 20, 2009


Last night we spent the evening with Jackie. It was her birthday and she had a Twilight party on Friday. We had run out of time to watch the movie so we went back to her house last night and watched it. Jackie is awesome! She has been on this earth for 23 years. In 23 years she has never said an unkind word about anyone. She is never judgmental about anyone. She just loves everyone. What a way to be! In her eyes, all the world is full of love. She is a peacemaker. She finds joy in simple things - like watching Twilight with friends. She is a wonderfully happy person. She has her place in the Celestial Kingdom assured. It is so cool to be around a Celestial Being! I hope some of her goodness rubs off on me!


Anaise said...

I imagine she's hoping a little of you rubs off on her . . . that's how I feel when I'm around you, anyway. :)

Jillbee said...

Jackie is a special young woman!

Kat said...

I've been on this earth 23 years as well, but I don't have anything to show for it! At least not like this young woman. This Jackie girl makes me want to be a better person.

Linda said...

Well, I think you ROCK, Mary, and you're a dream maker. I appreciate all your encouragement and support of our family. What a great tribute to your Jackie. P.S. Kat, you rock too! Seriously, girl.

Anonymous said...

Hey there... are you ever coming back to the blogging world?? It was SOOOO much fun seeing you last week! Miss your face!

Jillbee said...

OK....It's been a year is
Now you can BLOG!