Saturday, March 28, 2009

Find Joy

I am loving school, as I mentioned. So, why do I do all the complaining about the work or reading? My visiting teacher recommended to me to just enjoy it, because I do. It is easy for me to feel stressed out over ANYTHING! But, I LOVE what I am doing! Those two statements contradict. My feeling contradict! I don't have tiny children in the home. I have more freedoms than I have ever had. Have I conditioned myself to feel stressed out CONSTANTLY?

My neighbor gave me suggestions on keeping up with the reading I must do for my classes. I can do this! Keeping calm (not in my nature!) is my goal. Breathe deeply and lower the shoulders. Ahhhhhhh...doesn't that feel good?

1 comment:

Anaise said...

You can love learning, but not love writing a paper that is due Friday . . . you can love learning and still feel that you have too much reading to truly learn . . . you can love learning and still need a break sometimes.

School and learning are NOT synonymous.