Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Feeling Better. Book of Mormon

Today Bob and I woke up way too early. Bob has a bit of a cough and it is pretty bad in the morning. We both got up for about an hour and then went back to bed. When I woke up for the day, (way too late!), I felt so much better than yesterday! Yippee!

About 25 years ago I decided to read all the scriptures. I started when President Kimball asked us to read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I just kept going. Then I decided I wanted to have read all the standard works. It took a few years, but I did it. I noticed that, while reading the Old Testament, I didn't feel the spirit as strongly as when I read the other scriptures. So I had to read the Book of Mormon at the same time. That helped a lot.

I know this sounds methodical, but if you read 3 columns of the Book of Mormon everyday, you will make it through the book in one year. I have done that for the past 25 years. I love reading the Book of Mormon. Some years I will read 3 pages a day and make it through twice. Several times I have read it in 2 months. Once I read it in one month, but that was a little too much for me! The past 2 years I spent reading it in Spanish. (Sometimes it was very spiritual.)

I started again today. I read about the witnesses. They never denied their testimony of the book. The Book of Mormon is amazing! I didn't find the church until I was 21 and I LOVE having the Book of Mormon in my life! Reading it gives me great direction for my life.

I love the gospel! My life most certainly has been VERY blessed because of the gospel and my knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. I love Them!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In a funk.

Days like today really bother me. I am in a funk. That was my father-in-law's term for feeling down.

The reason these kinds of days bother me is that I have no particular reason to be in a funk today. It is true that a few things bugged me last night and this morning, but to waste an entire day in a funk is a real bummer.

Yesterday morning I woke up feeling so fine and happy. It was a great feeling day. No particular reason for it. I just felt good all day.

Not today. I didn't sleep well and I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It is hard to move when I am this way.

I come from a long line of people who spent a lot of time in funks. I suppose I should be happy that my funks don't last that long. On the roller coaster of life my dips are frequent but short. Rarely do they go on and on. It is really a bummer when they last longer than a day.

The problem with my funks is that I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel while I am in one. I only see doom and gloom.

Judy has talked me through many, many a funk. I try to remember the things she has told me before and at least now I realize I won't be in this funk forever. That is a vast improvement over my previous funks.

I wish these funks weren't so paralyzing. I start feeling worse and worse....just because I am feeling in a funk. I start imagining that NO ONE ELSE does this. Then I remembered Anaise's blogs. Sometimes she is in a funk (usually with a dang good reason) and she and the girls will have a movie day. You know what? Just remembering her blogs made me start to perk up and feel better! Even though I have no good reason to be in a funk, I feel a little better now. Thanks for being open!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Savior of the World

Every year at the little theater in the Conference Center there is a play, Savior of the World, that runs for about six weeks. For the past, I think it is five years, they have asked interpreters to come on one or two of the performances to interpret into American Sign Language for Deaf people. Also, blind people are invited and Deaf-blind are invited. They have special accommodations for the blind people to be able to hear what is happening on the stage.

Two years ago I was asked to be one of the four interpreters for this production. It is thrilling to interpret such a marvelous, touching play. Again last year I was able to interpret the production and again this year I have this great opportunity. Our evening is next week and the four of us are really excited!

I love Christmas time, especially the Christmas music. Going to this play and watching the recreation of the birth of Jesus, His death and resurrection, really adds a measure of the Spirit to the season. I am so glad to be a part of it!

What a blessing has been mine to be able to be associated with Deaf people all these years. The opportunities I have had are countless...and marvelous. The spiritual experiences I have received have kept me going. Heavenly Father knows me and knows my needs and He has put me in a place where I can always depend on Him for His help!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

End of the Semester

Awww. Today is the end of the semester. I am happy as a lark about it, but I will miss the people I have been working with. It has been a great semester! I am learning leaps and bounds about Deaf people, ASL and interpreting. I already have some fun things to look forward to next semester so I don't feel too sad to finish this one.

BTW, I have the new perm and it is pretty cool. A bit wild, but cool just the same. No story to tell.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Hair

Well, I am going for it! I have NEVER had a good perm in my life and I am going to try again. Yep! Today I am getting a "natural-looking, loose perm." They say they will use large rods. I am tired of flat headed hair (Utah dryness.)

I remember the first time I got a perm as an adult. I told the stylist, "I don't want to look like old women over 70 with the bubble head. I just want some body and loose curls." Another patron, over 70, was getting her hair permed. When they removed the rollers, her hair was in the bubble head style. Then they removed my curlers. I looked EXACTLY like the other woman. I wanted to die! I went to the mall and anyone over 70 looked like me! I cried for 6 months.

The next perm I got was when I went to get my hair trimmed. I had long, quite pretty, hair that I had to blow dry everyday to have it lie right. It looked really, really good. The same stylist said to me, "I can give you a straight perm. You won't have to blow dry your hair everyday." Yippee! I was so excited. OK! Well, when they took the straightener out of my hair, my hair bounced up into its normal curly self. I stared at the mirror. I asked, "What is this?" "Well," the stylist announced, "you do have to blow it dry straight." Huh? So, I blew my hair dry and it frizzed out like a long-haired bubble head. The perm not only DIDN'T work, it also destroyed my hair. I had to chop it all off and then had a short style again. I haven't been able to have a long hair style again.

So, last night, when I announced I was getting a perm today, Kelli said, "You haven't learned your lesson yet?" and Bob said, "Well, I am sure it will make for a good story."

Either I will have a cute style or I will cry for 6 months and have a good story to tell. (In person these stories are much more lively.)

At least I am using a different stylist.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Feeling Good

I have always been tired. My whole life I am tired. I have complained to doctors. They never did anything to help me. I blamed it on Thalasemia Minor, a chronic anemia I inherited from my Italian heritage. Maybe that is part of it. But I recently realized that I have a mild to moderate sleep apnea.

I found a dentist that makes mouth appliances for sleep apnea and for TMJ. I have both. So two weeks ago I got my appliance and I immediately began sleeping better. I am feeling better all ready. Today at the check up visit the dentist told me that the real energy comes back in three to four months. I am so excited!!!

I am looking forward to finally having energy.

About a year ago, when I was complaining to a friend about my lack of energy, she suggested I pray and Heavenly Father would give me help to improve my situation. I mulled over the idea and thought about it and prayed (a little) about it. I am so glad that Heavenly Father answered my feeble prayer! (My prayer needed more energy!)

The TMJ takes about four months to improve. It actually gets worse temporarily. I am looking forward to THAT improving, too!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Preparation Day

The house looks pretty good and now I will make the pies. Thanksgiving dinner always has so many good foods to prepare and eat. And the leftovers! Wow! I love to put the turkey carcass into a big pot and boil it all Thanksgiving evening. Then I have a wonderful stock to make the most delicious turkey soup.

So much to be thankful for, too. It is a really great time right now and we are enjoying it!

Then, on to Christmas with some of the best music ever. Don't you agree?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

American Sign Language: My Story

Last night our family went to Aspen Grove (near Sundance, Utah) for one evening of an ASL retreat. I was one of the voice interpreters for the guest speaker, Carolyn MacCaskill. To hear (really 'see') Carolyn's story was quite humbling. She is a beautiful Black woman and she is Deaf. She is the 8th Black person in the USA to receive a Ph.d! (Four of the Ph.ds were male.) It was a pleasure to be in her company. She works at Galluadet University in Washington, D.C. Galluadet is the only university for Deaf people in the world.

I feel so blessed that Heavenly Father lead me to learn sign language within a week of me joining the church back in October, 1976. I felt a complete overwhelming desire to learn sign language, though I hadn't even met one deaf person! Another newly baptized member, Paul Durata, was learning some signs and when he saw me fingerspelling with the missionary that taught me, (Elder Gary Cervo), he showed me my first sign, the sign for "help". That was it and my life was changed forever!

I took a class at El Camino College in the Fall of 1977. My teacher was Jeff Lenham. He told me that I would become an interpreter within a year. I really was blessed with the ability to learn quickly. People would ask me why I was learning sign language. My response was always, "Heavenly Father has a plan." Secretly I thought I might have a deaf child because I didn't have any idea WHY I absolutely HAD to learn ASL.

In the middle of my next class, in April, 1978, the Los Angeles Deaf Ward divided. One half of the members started a new ward in Chatsworth, CA. Guess where the other half were moved to? The Torrance IV Ward for the Deaf was established and they met in the Hermosa Beach Ward Bldg. The same building where I attended church!

That very first day that the Torrance IV Deaf Ward began, 30 years ago, was one of the most thrilling days of my life! Judi Ghent was there and she said, "The walls were ringing with 'Where is Mary Bonham!'" Deaf people, at least a couple hundred of them, were right there in our building! I was one of less than a handful of hearing people who "knew" sign language. Heavenly Father's plan for me became oh so clear! I was in heaven!

I have been happily enjoying the sweet company of Deaf people ever since! There is an entire world of wonderful people that I never would have known if Heavenly Father had not planted the desire in me to learn their language. My life has been richly blessed because of my association with Deaf people. (30 years later, I realize how little I "knew " ASL back then. Luckily the Deaf people were patient with me and taught me along the way. Rich, rich memories, sometimes very funny memories, are sprinkled into my life because of these fabulous people.)

Friday, November 21, 2008

All That Jazz

We had a rare treat here in Utah. In the small neighboring town we have a jazz ensemble that played last night. The group is incredible! The pianist is from New Orleans. The singer is from Las Vegas. The bass player was not there last night so I don't know where he is from. The drummer is from Utah. They are determined to make this a weekly event.

I can't believe that in a little town like Pleasant Grove we have world-class Jazz musicians for our enjoyment. A man in Dianna's ward bought some tickets to give to people. We went. There was incredible music and singing and people were dancing. There was no drinking or smoking. Just clean family fun. There were a couple babies. I brought a friend whose father is a jazz musician. She said it was great to be in a room, listening to Jazz, without it being smoke-filled.

When we left at 10:00pm (when it ended) we went back out into downtown Pleasant Grove. There was no one in sight. The street was empty and dark. The only light on the street was coming from the window of the music hall where we had just had a delightful evening.

I am hoping people will realize what a rare jewel we have and come out and enjoy its beauty.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We had a very special weekend. Bob, Heidi, Kelli and I went to the Mt. Timpanogos Temple and did baptisms for my stepfather, Harlan Cawelti, his first wife Mary Jane and their daughter, Kathy. Ever since I joined the church in 1976 I have wanted to get Kathy's temple work done.

My mother married Harley when I was just six years old. That is when my life started settling down, and so did my mom! Harley had an ex-wife and two children. His children didn't live with us, but I met them a few times. Kathy was a few years older than me. She was beautiful, inside and out! She was a cheerleader in high school and she was Homecoming Queen. She had a beautiful smile and she was so sweet!

Out of high school, she started college at El Camino College. She worked as a checker (I guess they call them cashiers now) at a store and she went to college. She was a busy 18 year-old young woman. She went to a restaurant in San Bernardino one weekend. Soon after eating at the restaurant Kathy became ill. She couldn't shake the illness and she went to Kaiser, the medical group. She wasn't seen by her regular doctor. The on-call doctor there told her she was just tired from being a busy young woman. Kathy went home and soon fell into a coma. She was rushed to the hospital by an ambulance, but it was too late. Kathy soon died of Hepatitis. She was just a couple weeks short of her 19th birthday. They traced the cause to the chef in the restaurant in Big Bear.

I was just short of my 12th birthday and I was at school the day Kathy died. I came home that afternoon and sat at the counter, where my mom and Harl and I always ate an early dinner together. While we were eating my mom said, "Kathy died today." Harl stoically ate his food. I wasn't mature enough to respond. We sat in silence. I didn't do anything or say anything. I didn't know what to say. We ate as if nothing had happened.

Years later, my mom and I had been to the doctor's and found out she had terminal cancer. (Harl had fallen and broken his hip just a couple hours before the set time of the appointment so he was in surgery replacing his hip when I took my mom to her appointment.) A few days later Harl was at home and I was there with them. My mom told Harl that her cancer was terminal. I was sitting on the couch next to the chair where Harl was sitting. We sat, staring at the TV. Soon I began to hear him stoically stifling a cry. I immediately remembered that day, long ago, when I didn't do or say anything to comfort him. I refused to let that happen this time. I refused to let him hold in his pain alone. I got up off the couch and went to him and held him in my arms. He cried and cried. So did I. In the 36 years of him being my dad, I had never seen or heard him cry. When we finally stopped, my mom said, "I don't ever want to see this kind of display again." I said, "Mom, you are dying. You will see us crying."

Well, this weekend I was again crying, but this time they were tears of joy. Harl and his first wife and their beautiful daughter, Kathy, were sealed together for time and all eternity. My daughter Dianna was proxy for Mary Jane, my son-in-law Todd was proxy for Harl and I was proxy for Kathy. It was the best! Then Bob and I stood in for my mom and Harl and got them sealed together, too. This was a very special weekend!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My First Blog

Well, somehow I have joined the 21st century. Here I am, blogging. I just recently learned the word 'blogging'. Wow! What shall I write about? Me, at a loss for words? Actually, there are too many words bouncing around in my head to sort them out. I am just glad to have actually established a blogspot. Wow!