Thursday, December 11, 2008

Savior of the World

Every year at the little theater in the Conference Center there is a play, Savior of the World, that runs for about six weeks. For the past, I think it is five years, they have asked interpreters to come on one or two of the performances to interpret into American Sign Language for Deaf people. Also, blind people are invited and Deaf-blind are invited. They have special accommodations for the blind people to be able to hear what is happening on the stage.

Two years ago I was asked to be one of the four interpreters for this production. It is thrilling to interpret such a marvelous, touching play. Again last year I was able to interpret the production and again this year I have this great opportunity. Our evening is next week and the four of us are really excited!

I love Christmas time, especially the Christmas music. Going to this play and watching the recreation of the birth of Jesus, His death and resurrection, really adds a measure of the Spirit to the season. I am so glad to be a part of it!

What a blessing has been mine to be able to be associated with Deaf people all these years. The opportunities I have had are countless...and marvelous. The spiritual experiences I have received have kept me going. Heavenly Father knows me and knows my needs and He has put me in a place where I can always depend on Him for His help!


Linda said...

You totally rock. I wanna be just like you when I grow up. Hey, Kat's been feeling pretty poorly. Please keep an eye out for her the next couple of days for me ok?

Anaise said...

Watching you sign is so great! What a joyful experience for you to get to be part of such things. I'm happy for you!